. On this page you find information about acquiring a violin, what books to buy etc. At first you need to get measured. ( Instructions are further on this page) I will measure at our first meeting. Caution: most stores measure bigger. We want to avoid any tension. So its better to small then to big. Then you have the option to buy a violin or to rent. Most families rent. If you buy please don’t go to ebay or Amazon. Also cheap violins are not a good choice. They are normally not set up,( The bridge needs to be adjusted to each instrument. If this is not done a Luther can do it for around 60$.) If you rent a violin it’s best to rent it from a string store, not a general music store. ( I posted a few options : some online stores and DFW local stores. ) Next are the books that need to be purchased. I use the Suzuki method and Suzuki books. So Suzuki book1 either with or without CD. You also can purchase the MP3, but you need to have the opportunity to listen to the recordings daily.( See info in Suzuki Lessons). Below are some suggestions where you buy those. Then the other book I use is “Step by Step” I have found it very useful in my teaching. It includes practice recordings in slow, medium and performance tempo. Great piano accompaniments also for the very beginner.(The student can play their first simple rhythm on one string while the piano makes it sound like a beautiful song. I hope that info is helpful, If you have any questions please send me message.
Rent Violins : Dallas Strings : Violin, Cello, Bass, Instrument Rental and Sales at Dallas Strings
Rent Violins : Cadenca Plano
Online music stores: Buy violins, books , strings, rent violins etc. If you buy material consider the shipping under a certain $ amount. Though they’re often cheaper 1. Sharmusic: Beginning Violins: Beginning Violins for Adults & Students: Franz Hoffmann & More Outfits (
Suzuki books 1 : Suzuki Violin School Vol. 1 Book & CD ( ( With CD) Suzuki book 1 without CD : Suzuki Violin School: Vol. 1, ’07 Ed. – Violin Instruction ( Step by Step 1A Step-by-Step Beginner Violin Book – Mother Tongue Method ( Other Places to buy books:
Amazon :Suzuki Book 1 ( no CD) : Suzuki Violin School, Vol 1: Violin Part: 9780757900617: Suzuki, Shinichi: Books
Suzuki book 1 ( with CD): Suzuki Violin School, Volume 1: Violin Part (Book & CD): 9781470644130: Suzuki, Shinichi;Hahn, Hilary;Zhu, Natalie: Books
Step by Step 1A : Step by Step 1A: An Introduction to Successful Practice for Violin (Book & CD): 0654979082453: Wartberg, Kerstin: Books
Other online stores :
Orchestral String Instruments & Music Supplies for Sale (
Local place to buy Suzuki book 1 and Step by Step book is Avalon music in Wylie Guitar center sells them too, but I don’t know if they have them locally.
Youtube links that enhance practice :
1. Violin Garden. (24) Violin Garden – YouTube
Book 1 : in Performance Tempo
: (24) Suzuki Book 1 – complete play list – YouTube
Book 1 slow Tempo: (24) Suzuki Book 1 SLOW practice – YouTube
Step by Step links and videos :
1A:Part 1 Let’s Practice Together! – Videos / Volume 1A, PART 1: Pre-Twinkle (Edition 2021) ( Pretwinkle
1A part 2: Let’s Practice Together! – Videos / Volume 1A, PART 2: Lightly Row – Allegro (PDF + MP3 Edition 2021) ( Twinkles to Allegro
here is the youtube link to it: (24) Beginner level: Suzuki / STEP by STEP, books 1-3 – YouTube
Cadenza strings :here is another channel with videos to play with: (24) Cadenza Strings – YouTube
75FW and Spring Creek